Depression Detection of Users in Social Media X using IndoBERTweet


  • Muhammad Fadhel Telkom University
  • Warih Maharani Telkom University Bandung, Indonesia




IndoBERTweet, DASS-42, Depression, Social Media, Twitter


According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, the population of Indonesia stands at 273 million, Indonesia has approximately 167 million active subscribers to virtual entertainment platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The use of online entertainment is huge, particularly on Twitter, and has been associated with mental health implications, such as depression. This research objective is to do a comprehensive study about the IndoBertweet deep learning framework to investigate the prevalence of depression in social media, focusing on Twitter. Utilizing the DASS-42, the research estimates depression levels based on user interactions and reactions to tweets. The results of this research showed that the IndoBERTweet method achieved an accuracy rate of 82% in detecting depression using Twitter data. This research highlights the importance of intervention strategies to support the mental health of social media users, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures in addressing mental well-being issues in the digital space.

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How to Cite

Fadhel, M. ., & Maharani, W. . (2024). Depression Detection of Users in Social Media X using IndoBERTweet. Sinkron : Jurnal Dan Penelitian Teknik Informatika, 8(2), 885-891.